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YPS shares your passion for your child's love of acting.
Providing exciting and challenging experiences from the best in the acting industry to help them grow as performers.

Is YPS for you?

No singing or dancing. Just high-quality acting classes. 
Students work towards projects every term.
Different actors & directors visit to teach various skills multiple times, every term, for example: accents, performance fight, shakespeare.
(Except when working towards a major production or film project.) 
See who we've worked with in the past 
We are a big believer in confident and happy children create the best work. 

When, Where, How Much?

Hersham, Surrey


Ages 10 - 13

5.30 - 7.30pm

10 week term |£260 

Three Rivers Academy


Start Day | 22nd April

Audition Day | 18th April

Finsbury Park


Ages 10 - 13

5.30pm - 7.30pm

10 week term |£300 

Fourth Monkey 


Start Day | 23rd April

Audition Day | 17th April

Hersham, Surrey


Ages 14 - 18

7.30 - 9.30pm

10 week term |£260 

Three Rivers Academy


Start Day | 22nd April

Audition Day | 18th April

Finsbury Park


Ages 14 - 18

7pm - 9pm

10 week term |£300 

Fourth Monkey 


Start Day | 23rd April

Audition Day | 17th April

Hersham, Surrey


Ages 10 - 13

6.30 - 8pm

10 week term |£240 

Three Rivers Academy


Start Day | 25th April

Audition Day | 18th April

Euston, London


Ages 10 - 13

6pm - 7.40pm

10 week term |£280 

Old Diorama Arts Centre


Start Day | 24th April

Audition Day | 17th April

Hersham, Surrey


Ages 14 - 18

8 - 9.30pm

10 week term |£240 

Three Rivers Academy


Start Day | 25th April

Audition Day | 18th April

Euston, London


Ages 14 - 18

7.40pm - 9.40pm

10 week term |£300 

Old Diorama Arts Centre


Start Day | 24th April

Audition Day | 17th April

Free consultation call and audition 
A chance for applicants and parents to get to know us.

First week is Trial Week
If the applicant decides to leave within the first week, we will only charge for one class.

 "The students from YPS of Acting show great promise and enthusiasm, and it's workshops like these that refresh my excitement for the future of the industry."


Sign Up to Audition

Application to Audition

Summer Term 2024

The Audition Process

And frequently asked questions... 

Why does YPS audition? 

At YPS of Acting we care about the culture and atmosphere of each acting class. We want everyone that attends to really want to be there. (Not because their friend is going or because their mum wants them to.) We want passion and commitment! 

I haven't done any auditions before, does that matter?

No problem at all! Most of our students don't have much audition experience or even any serious acting experience. But they know that they love acting and want to learn more about it and work hard. 

Do I have to memorise the speech? 

The short answer is no. But we want to see that you've thought a lot about the monologue and rehearsed it as much as possible for you and the time frame you have, and usually if you've practised enough, you will remember it naturally. 


Parent & YPS chat

After we receive your application, we usually give the parent/guardian a call to chat about the applicant and any experience they have. (It's fine if you don't have any previous acting experience!)

Following the phone call, we will send you a choice of monologues to choose from with the full audition details and an individual time slot. 


Get rehearsing

We will send you a selection of monologues to choose from. Your job is to rehearse this monologue to the best of your ability. We do not expect you to learn it, however, we do think its important that you have thought about the character, what they are thinking about, who they are talking to, where are they and how are they feeling. 

Top Tip: We recommend that you rehearse your speech in full at least 15 times. 

If you applied last minute, we take this into consideration. 


Audition Day

Whether you are auditioning in person or online, it is the same.

You will perform your speech to Lily (Director) and usually one or two other acting coaches. They will then give you some small direction or ask you to perform it in a different way

(so this is worth practicing before the audition day). 

Following this, they will ask you some questions. Why you want to join, what you like about acting, which actors you like and why. 

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